Jean Van Overmeire heads north

Thursday 1 March 2018, 9:33am

Much-travelled Jean Van Overmeire is no stranger to Brisbane in a former role as a travelling foreman for trainer Bjorn Baker but he returns to Doomben as a rising star in the apprentice ranks.

South African born Van Overmeire had stints in the United Kingdom and Dubai before settling in Sydney three years ago.

He joined Baker's Warwick Farm stable and worked as foreman before getting his licence to ride in races two years ago.

He has since ridden 102 winners including 49 this season of which 21 are in the Sydney metropolitan area.

Most races in Sydney during the autumn are non-claiming events and Van Overmeire will head to Brisbane on Saturday where he can claim two kilograms.

He is five wins behind Rachel King in the Sydney apprentices premiership with the latter no longer able to claim.

Van Overmeire has been booked for eight rides at Doomben on Slow Pace and All Summer Long for Kris Lees, Robbers Cobber for Bryan and Dan Guy, I've Gotta Nel and Clockwork Orange for Toby Edmonds, Magnajoy for Michael Costa, Mishani Sleuth for Chris Anderson, and Hanwritten for Matt Dunn..


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