Brazen Moss gets things to suit

Thursday 1 March 2018, 2:44pm

Trainer Tony Gollan believes the run of wet weather in Queensland and race programming have given Brazen Moss a chance to win his first stakes race at Doomben.

Brazen Moss is one of the main chances in the Listed Tattersall's Members Cup (1600m) on Saturday.

Brazen Moss won an Open Handicap at Doomben two weeks ago which capped off a good summer for the gelding.

The Members Cup is one of the few Stakes races over 1600m run in Brisbane from the end of the summer carnival to the middle of the winter carnival.

Gollan believes that suits Brazen Moss as he won't meet the top shelf horses on Saturday.

Brazen Moss is one of only three genuine open company horses in the race.

"He did race honestly in the summer in good races against horses like Crack Me Up and Most Important," Gollan said.

"He dropped a few notches last time and won. Those are the types of races which suit him it is about his right class.

"And this isn't much harder."

Brisbane has again had storms and rain during the week although nothing like the 150mm which soaked Doomben last week.

Doomben looks certain to again be at best be soft which Gollan sees as another plus for Brazen Moss.

The gelding has had 17 starts on wet tracks for four wins and nine minor placings and has an exceptional record on heavy ground of three starts for two wins and a second.

Brazen Moss was originally with the Snowden training partnership in Sydney before his owners, the Triple Crown syndicate, sent him north.

"We have got a few horses from the Snowdens and as you would expect they are always in top shape," Gollan said.

"I hope they send me a few more like Brazen Moss."


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