Darren Bell returns after stable setback

Wednesday 7 March 2018, 5:12pm

Trainer Darren Bell has had his first runner in six months on Wednesday but it could be his last for the foreseeable future.

Bell saddled his first runner since September when his father Peter's horse Harlin Rose was unplaced at Ipswich.

He has a big decision in the next few days whether to relocate to a non-training job in Victoria.

Bell walked away from racing after being bankrupted as a result of a strangles outbreak in one of his Caboolture stables north of Brisbane.

Racing Queensland shut down his operation which meant even though he had reported the outbreak he was effectively put out of business for three months.

Outraged fellow trainers raised more than $50,000 to help Bell pay his debts.

Bell shut his stables in September and decided to address his personal issues.

"I have spent a lot of time walking and mountain climbing. The thing was to get out of bed every day and to do something," Bell said.

"I recently began training Harlin Rose as an interest and I have also spent a lot of time with my two daughters as like many trainers I missed a lot of their growing up because of work."

Bell has a chance to join the David Hayes, Ben Hayes and Tom Dabernig stable at Euroa.

"I worked for David years ago and it is a fantastic offer from him. I have to make a decision in the next few days and the major consideration is being away from friends and family who have supported me."


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