Tiffani Brooker in low-key Doomben return

Thursday 8 March 2018, 11:47am

Tiffany Brooker is set to make a low-key return from injury on one of her favourite horses Let's Party Marty at Doomben.

Brooker was knocked out when her mount bled internally and collapsed under her in a race at Caloundra on February 18.

She is listed for only one ride at Doomben on Saturday on Let's Party Marty in the Class Three Plate (1350m).

Trained by David Vandyke, Let's Party Marty gave Brooker her last winner as an apprentice when he won at Ipswich on January 31.

Brooker had to wait for her doctor to make certain she had a full recovery before being cleared to return.

She was last season's premier Brisbane apprentice and came out of her time on February 1.

Brooker has ridden 202 winners including 72 in the metropolitan area.

Veteran riders Jeff Lloyd and Robbie Fradd return to Doomben on Saturday after giving the young riders a free hand last weekend.

Apprentices rode seven winners and Matt McGillivray, who came out of his time in September, a further three winners on an 11-event card last Saturday.

Lloyd, who was in Sydney last week to ride Care To Think to second in the Liverpool City Cup, has nine rides and Fradd, who is back from suspension, has six.


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