Hang has something to prove at Doomben

Thursday 8 March 2018, 1:22pm

Talented three-year-old Hang has a few things to prove to trainer Ben Currie when he resumes at Doomben.

Hang won three races on end before a spell will tackle a field of handy horses in the Three-Year-Old Handicap (1350m) on Saturday.

The gelding is still among the entries for the Group One Australian Derby next month but won't be tackling that race.

Whether Hang gets a chance in the Queensland Derby in June depends on what he shows Currie this campaign.

"I have always thought Hang would make a handy horse but whether he is up to the really top class remains to be seen," Currie said.

"It is a handy field on Saturday and if he races well we can start looking a bit further afield. He needs to start showing us he is up to the better horses."

Doomben looks likely to be soft at best on Saturday which is no worry to Currie.

"He has shown he can handle heavy tracks and a few of the others haven't" Currie

Hang is by noted wet track sire Clang who already has an Australian Derby winner, Clangalang.

Hang was given 59kg in the original weights but claiming apprentice Michael Murphy will reduce that to 56kg.

"I have had a good bit of luck with Michael and he is riding well," Currie said.


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