Elliott honoured for racing contribution

Thursday 8 March 2018, 4:30pm

Victoria Racing Club chairman Amanda Elliott has been awarded the Victorian Wakeful Club Lady of Racing Award for her contribution to racing.

Elliott became only the second woman to be elected to the VRC committee in 2002 before graduating to vice chairman in 2011 ahead of her historic appointment as chairman last year.

She has had a long and established career in racing and breeding with her father Ian Bayles also a long-standing VRC committee member and former VRC vice chairman.

Others to be honoured at the luncheon held in Melbourne on International Women's Day included Stephanie Thornton, a rising star of the riding ranks who was awarded the Apprentice Jockey Training Program Scholarship and Udyta Clarke the Spirit of Racing Award.

Clarke won her award for her efforts in raising Heza Dude as an orphan foal while she also has $8 fourth favourite Rich Charm running in the Group One Newmarket Handicap at Flemington on Saturday.

Other nominations for the Victorian Wakeful Club Lady of Racing Award were Casey Bruce, Jackie Noonan and Teresa Poon.


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