Sizing John out of Cheltenham defence

Friday 9 March 2018, 9:30am

Sizing John has been ruled out of his defence of the Cheltenham Gold Cup with a pelvic injury.

Trainer Jessica Harrington said the eight-year-old was found to have a non-displaced hairline fracture of the pelvis after a routine work-out.

"It is with a heavy heart I have to report that Sizing John will miss the Cheltenham Gold Cup," she said.

"He cantered as normal this morning at Commonstown and during routine checks this afternoon was found to be sore behind.

"I have had our vet Mark McRedmond come and check him over. He has found a hairline non-displaced fracture of his pelvis. He will have box rest for two weeks and then be re-scanned with a view of starting walking exercise.

"This is a massive blow for the Potts family and for all our team here at Commonstown."

Harrington will be represented in the Gold Cup through Our Duke.


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