Good news week for Les Ross

Friday 9 March 2018, 4:01pm

A week can be a long time in racing but this time for trainer Les Ross it has been a good one.

Ross was experiencing one of the worst runs of his career until last week when he had five runners for three winners, a third and a fourth.

Great Powers won at Beaudesert, Showy Lady at Caloundra and My Little Flicka at Doomben with Voodoo Mango Magic finishing third at Ipswich and Miss Sara a close-up fourth place at Doomben.

"I had lost count of the minor placings I had. The other trainers were calling me clock because of the number of seconds we had," Ross said.

"But then we had three winners on three consecutive days. Work that out."

Ross said he hoped the run continued at Doomben on Saturday with Miss Sara in the Two-Year-Old Handicap (1350m) and Great Powers in the Three-Year-Old Handicap (1350m).

Miss Sara, who will wear blinkers for the first time, is favourite in her race on the back of four minor placings and a fourth from five starts.

Great Powers is the outsider in her event but Ross is hoping she continues to show improvement.

"But you don't need me to tell you not to get too far ahead in this business," he said.

"But they are fit and a wet track won't do them any harm."


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