Written By to tune up for Slipper in trial

Sunday 11 March 2018, 2:49pm

Blue Diamond winner Written By will continue his Golden Slipper build-up in a barrier trial at Randwick with Jordan Childs to fly from Melbourne to put the colt through his paces.

The Grahame Begg-trained Written By arrived in Sydney on Friday and will trial over 850m on Tuesday in preparation for his bid to become the first horse since Sepoy in 2011 to claim the Blue Diamond/Golden Slipper double.

"I'll fly up on Monday night and jump him out on Tuesday. It will be good for him," Childs said.

"At least he has got up there and has a couple of weeks to settle in and get used to the climate and all that."

Childs has ridden the unbeaten Written By in all three starts, claiming his first Group One win on the colt in the Blue Diamond, and will continue his association in Saturday week's Golden Slipper at Rosehill.

"It's very exciting," Childs said.

"Hopefully he can go up there and do well."

Childs went to the Pinecliff training property on the Mornington Peninsula where Begg is based to partner Written By in a work-out last Monday and was delighted how the youngster had come through his dominant Blue Diamond win.

"He seems just as good, if not maybe a little bit better," Childs said.

"He worked super.

"I sat off another horse by about two or two-and-a-half lengths, gave him a little squeeze about 400 metres out and he joined the other one at the 200 and I just let him coast to the line.

"He's a real athletic horse and whatever you do with him he just seems to do it very easily.

"Hopefully he has come through the travel all right and we'll find out Tuesday how he's going."

The barrier trial will be Written By's major piece of work before the Slipper.

"He might have another gallop in between but I think the trial will be his main bit of work," Childs said.

Caulfield trainer Mick Price will also trial stakes winning colt Prairie Fire in the same heat.

Prairie Fire was fourth in the Blue Diamond and is also heading to the Golden Slipper along with Sweet Embrace Stakes-winning stablemate Seabrook.


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