Good Host, Sea Lady set for Country final

Sunday 25 March 2018, 6:27pm

Dubbo trainer Justin Stanley will come to Randwick for the $500,000 Country Championship final with Good Host who has earned his place with a tough victory in his local qualifying heat.

The four-year-old fought back to win by a short head after Sea Lady edged in front of him in Sunday's race.

The Wayne Martin-trained runner-up also qualifies for the 1400m-final at Randwick on April 7.

Stanley said Good Host was purpose-bought from Victoria as a tried horse last year with the Country Championship in mind.

"The owner bought him for this race and good to see him get to the big one," Stanley told Sky Thoroughbred Central.

"The hard work has paid off and I can't wait.

"He's a good tough little horse."

Good Host was ridden by Jake Pracey-Holmes who said he showed his toughness when Sea Lady got in front.

"He fought back really well," he said.

Martyn, who trains at Coonabarabran north of Dubbo, also sourced Sea Lady from Victoria and said he was looking forward to Randwick.

The final chance for horses to qualify for the Country Championship is at Muswellbrook next Sunday in the Wild Card race for horses entered in the series.


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