Sweet Ava to step up to 1400m at Rosehill

Monday 26 March 2018, 5:28pm

Sweet Ava is among the two-year-olds who didnt make it to the Golden Slipper but she will still get the chance to earn a berth in a Group One race.

The filly finished third in the Magic Night Stakes on March 17 won by Sunlight who ran third behind Estijaab and Oohood in Saturday's $3.5 million Slipper.

Trainer Gerald Ryan says Sweet Ava has always given him the impression she will be better suited over further than 1200m and that will be tested in Saturday's Group Three Schweppervescence Handicap (1400m).

"She has always looked to me like 1400 metres would suit her," Ryan said.

"If she goes well and it looks like she will get over further she will head to the Champagne Stakes over 1600 metres.

"If she doesn't we will bring her back to 1200 metres in the Percy Sykes but she won't run in the Sires' Produce Stakes."

Sweet Ava, who is raced by George Altomonte's Corumbene Stud, has had three starts for a debut win at Canterbury in December and her Group Three placing.

The Group One Sires' Produce Stakes (1400m) is at Randwick on April 7 with the Percy Sykes a week later and the Group One Champagne the week after that.

To be ridden by Tye Angland, Sweet Ava was one of 21 entries taken for Saturday's Schweppervescence headed by the Peter and Paul Snowden-trained Spin.

The colt has had two starts this campaign for a second to Santos in the Group Two Skyline Stakes and third behind Written By in the Group Three Pago Pago Stakes with the winners 13th and fourth respectively in the Golden Slipper.

The Snowdens have also entered Legislation while the Slipper-winning Hawkes Racing team has nominated Irukandji.

Slipper winner Estijaab has gone to the spelling paddock and will not attempt the Sydney Group One juvenile triple crown.


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