Dual Guineas winner Churchill to shuttle

Wednesday 28 March 2018, 8:29am

Dual Guineas winner Churchill will stand at Coolmore Australia in the southern hemisphere season.

By champion European sire Galileo, won the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket and the Irish equivalent last year.

"I travelled to Ireland last week to inspect a number of stallions and I was blown away by Churchill" Coolmore Australia's Colm Santry said.

"He is bred in a similar mould to Frankel, Galileo over a speed mare (Meow), and the result is an outstanding animal.

Churchill is a full-brother to Europe's champion two-year-old filly of 2017, Clemmie a Group One winner over 1200m.

Churchill will stand the 2018 season at Coolmore Australia for $27,500 (incl GST).


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