Limestone lame at Ballarat vet clinic

Thursday 29 March 2018, 12:11pm

The Darren Weir-trained filly at the centre of a controversial scratching from a recent Flemington meeting is at a Ballarat veterinary clinic undergoing treatment for lameness.

Limestone was scratched from a race at Flemington on March 17 when vets declared the filly lame in the off fore leg and her near hind, which Weir debated.

In a Racing Victoria stewards report Weir informed stewards last Thursday the filly was lame in the off hind leg which he believed to be a new condition.

RV vets Grace Forbes and Jeanette O'Reilly along with University Of Melbourne Professor Chris Whitton had earlier arranged to attend Weir's Ballarat stables last Friday to re-examine the filly.

The inspection proceeded with Limestone found to be non-weight bearing lame on her off hind leg while Weir later informed RV's veterinary department the filly had been transferred to the Ballarat Veterinary Practice for further investigation and treatment.

Stewards said Weir advised them on Wednesday the filly remained at the clinic undergoing treatment.

Limestone will require a satisfactory certificate of veterinary clearance before she is allowed to race again and will need another inspection by a panel of vets.


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