Lex Fraser has disqualification reduced

Sunday 1 April 2018, 10:27am

Veteran Queensland trainer Lex Fraser who was found guilty of having two of his horses under the care of another person has had his 18 month-disqualification cut to six months.

In December stewards opened an inquiry after allegations General Cos and Glorious Triumph, who were listed as being trained by Fraser, were at a property on the Darling Down under the care of retired Group One-winning trainer Ron Maund.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission stewards charged Lex Fraser, who pleaded not guilty, with allowing General Cos and Glorious Triumph to be in the care, control and training of Maund.

It was alleged the horses were at the property for a significant time before they were presented to race in September and November.

Fraser sought an internal review appealing both his conviction and the severity of the penalty.

QRIC has a policy of not releasing the results of an internal review until the time limits for all of the appeal options are expired.

In a lengthy written judgment Kane Ashby found the convictions should stand but considering Fraser's previous unblemished record over 40 years the disqualification should be reduced to six months.

A QRIC spokesperson said Fraser had not taken any further appeal action.


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