Victorian punter out of luck in $1m ride

Saturday 14 April 2018, 5:11pm

A Shepparton bricklayer narrowly missed out on pocketing $1 million after his pick Dixie Blossoms was run down in the Coolmore Legacy Stakes at Randwick on Saturday.

"I was thinking 'hello, we're in with a chance here' and then she just got run down,"Justin Rooney said trackside after the race.

The favourite loomed ominously at the top of the straight before being swamped by Godolphin filly Alizee to finish sixth.

Mr Rooney had already won $100,000 with the TAB competition, and he was philosophical after watching the favourite run down by the James Cumming-trained Alizee.

"Oh well, that's racing," he said.

"I've won $100,000 which is pretty good. I'll pay off some debt and maybe take a holiday too. Holiday and bills."

The Victorian said his workmates had been giving him a bit of stick throughout the week.

"They were alright though, just wished me the best with it all".


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