Rest has helped Doomben recover

Sunday 15 April 2018, 1:36pm

Racing Queensland officials are confident a three-week break from racing will help Doomben perform to its best during the winter carnival.

Doomben has had the major workload with Eagle Farm closed for most of the past four years for redevelopment.

There were major worries about Doomben in recent weeks after it chopped up badly on wet days.

But there has been no racing at Doomben since March 30 with the next meeting scheduled for Saturday.

Track staff have been applying granular and liquid fertilisers as well aerating the track aerated using a vertidrain and solid core tines.

"The track has responded well to date and the current weather conditions are supporting the current growth," a Racing Queensland spokesman said.

The final grass section at Eagle Farm was laid last week and RQ hopes the reconstruction will stay on schedule.

RQ has released the race dates for next year with the Sunshine Coast getting two extra Saturdays in September.

The Brisbane Race Club has again been allocated the majority of Saturdays and they will be at Doomben until Eagle Farm is ready to race.

RQ will not put a date on a return to Eagle Farm but it could be as late as February.


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