Beaudesert double confirms Murphy promise

Wednesday 25 April 2018, 4:40pm

Jackson Murphy showed why he is considered a future star metropolitan-area apprentice with a double at Beaudesert on Wednesday.

Murphy took advantage of Beaudesert being run with midweek metropolitan prize money but classed as provincial meeting, allowing him to claim 2kgs.

He was a leading apprentice in the NSW Northern Rivers before joining trainer Chris Anderson at Eagle Farm in November.

He has since ridden 35 winners on all tracks, including four at metropolitan midweek meetings.

Murphy was recently granted his licence to ride in metropolitan Saturday meetings but will not be a regular until after the winter carnival.

Anderson said it was a case of taking Murphy along slowly and letting him build up his contacts.

"I think he can be leading apprentice next season in Brisbane. But I think if he can go into it with a three=kilo city claim he will get the rewards. He can ride light and he has a great attitude."

Murphy won on Don't Stutter ($2.40) for Anderson and High Wind ($4.80) for leading trainer Tony Gollan.

He produced excellent judgment to win on both but ironically he was narrowly beaten on another Gollan runner in Brains which was probably his best ride.

Murphy never left the fence coming from near last but failed by a half head to catch Miss Miles ($11) ridden another promising apprentice in Corey Bayliss.

"I appreciate getting support of trainers like Mr Gollan as it gives me a chance to show what I can do," Murphy said.

Gollan got a double of his own when Natch ($3) joined High Wind as a winner.

Both are owned by Graham and Linda Huddy and are beautifully bred with High Wind a brother to ATC Australian Derby winner Shoot Out and Natch a $200,000 son of Thorn Park.


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