Sir Prancelot Eyes Off the USA

Thursday 3 May 2018, 9:12am

From humble beginnings to Champion Freshman Sire in Europe, Sir Prancealot is becoming a truly international success story.

Following in the footsteps of Zebedee and the all-conquering Kodiac was never an easy assignment. 

The O'Callaghan family of Tally Ho Stud had been on a roll when they purchased Sir Prancealot off the track as a Group 2 winning two-year-old.

In a stallion crop that includes the likes of Frankel and Nathaniel, Sir Prancealot notched up an incredible 32 individual winners in his first crop, double that of his nearest rival, and in doing so booked himself a ticket to Australia.

"It takes something special to beat Frankel and Sir Prancealot's first season performance was statistically outstanding. His best winners were all by Danehill line mares making him perfect for Australia," said Sam Hayes of Cornerstone Stud.

It is the exploits of this first crop of two-year-olds, now four-year-olds, that is attracting the attention of stud masters in yet another continent.

In the past month Beau Recall and Madam Dancealot have both been victorious at Grade Two level at Santa Anita in California over a mile and nine furlongs respectively.

"We are encouraged with how well Sir Prancealots progeny are handling firmer turf tracks such as those in the US. Interestingly it was a pattern we noticed in Europe where his progeny performed better on drier surfaces," Hayes explained.

The team at Cornerstone Stud have recently secured a controlling interest in Sir Prancealot and are currently considering various reverse shuttle options in both the USA and Europe.

"We have been fielding enquiries of late and we will be making some decisions over the next month. He is young, healthy and very fertile so it makes sense to keep him shuttling and perhaps America is the right option," Hayes concluded.

Sir Prancealots first crop of Australian foals will be born in 2018.

News from Cornerstone

– Cornerstone Stud

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