Three in a row for Wilde at Warrnambool

Thursday 3 May 2018, 12:50pm

Local trainer Symon Wilde is making a habit of winning the two-year-old race on the final day of the Warrnambool carnival.

Tee Train's victory on Thursday was Wilde's third straight win in the 1200m-race following Rata Tat Tat in 2016 and Hecta last year.

The colt's jockey Craig Williams had to survive a protest from John Allen, rider of the runner-up Kaplumpich, for alleged interference near the 1000m mark.

Wilde paid $150,000 for Tee Train in New Zealand as a yearling and is now eyeing a spring campaign with the colt.

"The plan was always to run in this race and then win, lose or draw to head to the paddock," Wildes said.

"He might make a Derby colt as he's got the best constitution, he's sound and he hasn't had one problem through the prep.

"I'm looking forward to getting him to the paddock and seeing what he can do in the spring."

Wilde said the colt was owned by the same ownership group that scored with Hecta last year.

He said they were happy to pay the extra price in an effort to land the prize again.

"Good luck to them," Wilde said.

"They've put the trust in us to find them a good colt and I think we have."

Wilde followed up a race later to land an early double when Florida Pearl won the Schweppes Handicap.


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