McGillivray seeks a stay on suspension

Friday 4 May 2018, 1:17pm

Jockey Matt McGillivray will seek a stay on a four-week suspension which puts him in danger of missing several key days of the Brisbane winter carnival.

McGillivray was suspended for four weeks on a handling charge for his ride on Mr Epic at Doomben on March 31.

Mr Epic led by a big margin coming to the home turn but compounded in the straight to finish 10th.

Stewards alleged McGillivray should have made more of an effort to get cover on Mr Epic and by failing to do so had not given the horse every chance to finish in the best place.

McGillivray countered that he would have been posted four-deep if he hadn't gone forward and there was a leaders' bias on the day.

He has been riding on a stay pending an internal review.

In a short statement QRIC reviewer Kane Ashby said he had confirmed the suspension which would stand at four weeks.

Queensland Jockeys' Association boss Glen Prentice said McGillivray would now appeal to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

"Matt has filled in the paper work to appeal and to seek a stay until the matter is resolved. The paper work will be lodged late on Friday and a result should be known early next week," Prentice said.

McGillivray's suspension is due to start on May 11 the day before the Doomben 10,000.


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