Sidestep a boost for Qld stallion ranks

Sunday 6 May 2018, 6:23pm

Queensland's stallion stocks will get a boost when shuttle sire Sidestep relocates to stand near Beaudesert.

Telemon Thoroughbreds is set to take over one of the state's former best-known stud properties and begin operations in June.

The property has housed several studs since the 1990s including Noble Park and Racetree Stud.

It has been the home of top sires such as Success Express, Mossman, Written Tycoon and Bel Esprit.

In an arrangement with Godolphin Australia, Sidestep, a dual Group Two winning sprinter and runner-up in the 2013 Golden Slipper will stand at Telemon.

Telemon owner Dan Fletcher said it was a privilege to offer a stallion of the calibre of Sidestep.

"He'd be one of the best two-year-olds to stand up here in my time. The other horses that were at a similar level at two include Written Tycoon, General Nediym, Show A Heart and Brave Warrior and they all made a massive impact." Fletcher said.

Managing director of Godolphin Australia Vin Cox said it was an exciting opportunity for all breeders in Queensland.

"I know the quality of the farm where he'll be standing from my time in Queensland so that was a huge attraction," Cox said.

Sidestep will stand at $7700 in his first Queensland season after completing stud duties in Europe.


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