Redzel, In Her Time draw well in 10,000

Wednesday 9 May 2018, 10:39am

Doomben 10,000 favourites Redzel and In Her Time have drawn middle barriers for the Group One sprint.

Redzel will launch his bid for successive 10,000 wins from gate six while In Her Time will jump from gate eight.

Fourteen horses have accepted for the $700,000 race, the first Group One contest of the Brisbane winter carnival.

Redzel holds favouritism over In Her Time with Le Romain and Impending rated the next-best chances in the weight-for-age race.

Slotholders associated with the $13 million Everest have already snapped up Redzel and In Her Time for this year's edition.

Redzel will run for Yulong Investments while In Her Time will represent Tabcorp.


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