QRIC to decide on Birchley training status

Wednesday 9 May 2018, 12:42pm

The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission says a decision on whether Liam Birchley can continue training in Queensland will be made this week.

Birchley was one of eight people found guilty of an offence at the Aquanita inquiry in Melbourne and submissions on penalty will be made on Thursday.

Commissioner Ross Barnett indicated QRIC would make a decision on Birchley after the penalty procedure was completed.

It is understood QRIC will wait to see if Birchley, who will appeal the Aquanita case decision, gets a stay of proceedings pending his next hearing.

Queensland stewards have confirmed six horses will be moved from Birchley's stables to Gold Coast trainer Toby Edmonds.

In a statement, stewards said the horses had been transferred at the request of owners.

The horses are Havasay, Noble Hussler, Super Suave, Real Princess, Natural Black and Say I Cee You.

Meanwhile, the QRIC has confirmed it is carrying out further tests on swabs taken at trainer Ben Currie's Toowoomba stables over a month ago.

Stewards opened an inquiry into alleged activities at Currie's stables on April 7, the morning of the Weetwood Handicap in Toowoomba.

Initial swab results had not detected any prohibited substances.

"The analysis of the swabs taken from Currie's horses is continuing," Barnett said.

Barnett said he expected an inquiry into allegations against Currie's father Mark Currie and two stablehands would be concluded on Friday.

All three have been stood down pending the results of the inquiry.


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