Kerrin McEvoy suspended for riding lapse

Wednesday 9 May 2018, 5:16pm

Leading Sydney jockey Kerrin McEvoy has been suspended for failing to ride out favourite Galina in a maiden race for fillies at Warwick Farm.

McEvoy pleaded guilty before Racing NSW stewards and offered an explanation after the Peter and Paul Snowden-trained Galina finished fourth in the Plate (1200m).

The $2.15 favourite crossed 1-1/4 lengths behind I Like It Easy and stewards said McEvoy's actions compromised Galina's finishing position.

"I got three cases of interference in 400 metres," McEvoy said.

"I obviously knew the pressure was on, that I was on the favourite and expected winner. I was fairly rattled after getting bowled over and tightened up three times.

"I was a bit gun shy and I was reassessing my position approaching the last 20 yards of the race."

McEvoy can ride in Brisbane on Saturday where he partners favourite Redzel in the Group One Doomben 10,000 but will miss Doomben Cup day on May 19.

He is suspended from May 17 and can resume riding on May 26.


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