Shoals to miss the Goodwood

Friday 11 May 2018, 4:08pm

Triple Group One winner Shoals will be sent to the spelling paddock ahead of a preparation aimed at the $13 million Everest.

The decision to spell the last-start winner of the Robert Sangster Stakes rules the filly out of Adelaide's premier sprint, the Group One Goodwood on Saturday week.

Trainer Anthony Freedman and owners Jonathan Munz and John Messara have opted against a trip to Royal Ascot this year with The Everest in mind.

Freedman said the decision to miss the Goodwood was made when he assessed her earlier this week.

"I just wasn't entirely happy with her following Saturday's win" Freedman said on his website.

"She has nothing left to prove this season. She has won from 1200 (metres) to a mile, won in three states and beaten the older mares twice".

"She has had a terrific season, to win three Group Ones with her just shows the talent she has."

Shoals will spell at Munz's property on Victoria's Mornington Peninsular.


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