Sprint to suit Wassergeist at Caulfield

Friday 11 May 2018, 5:27pm

It can take a trainer a preparation or two to work out the best distance range of their horses.

Cranbourne trainers Trent Busuttin and Natalie Young weren't sure what Wassergeist's best trip was after six attempts in his first campaign.

But after an impressive first-up Pakenham win they're convinced a short course suits best.

Wassergeist will attempt to break his Saturday city duck when he runs in The Sheen Panel Service Handicap (1200m) at Caulfield.

"We were trying to push him out over a trip last preparation which was a mistake of ours," Young said.

"We now think he's more a 1200 to 1400 metre horse.

"He's got a very good turn of foot."

Young and Busuttin were considering a Caulfield Guineas path for Wassergeist after he won a 1400m maiden at Sandown last September in which he defeated promising three-year-olds Weather With You and Villermont.

But at his next outing he beat just one home over 1600m at Moonee Valley.

He finished third over 1400m at Caulfield in October before finding the Group One sprinting three-year-olds too strong in the Coolmore Stud Stakes at Flemington during Melbourne Cup week.

But he showed his class in his return win at Pakenham last month.

"He won pretty well first-up but I was pretty nervous when he fell out of the gates and was ridden so cold by Craig (Williams)," Young said.

"I'm a little bit concerned about the track as we don't want it too wet but it is Caulfield and it does drain so well.

"You are always worried about them second-up, but his work has been super and he hasn't given us any reason to say he won't go a good race."


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