Laming and Callow fined over altercation

Saturday 12 May 2018, 2:18pm

An altercation in the car park of the Cranbourne training complex has left trainer Richard Laming and jockey Noel Callow lighter in the pocket.

Racing Victoria stewards inquired into an incident that took place during barrier trials last Monday.

The stewards reported Laming had forcibly grabbed Callow's neck as the jockey had his back turned and was talking to another trainer.

Laming grabbed the jockey again before Callow struck the Cranbourne-based trainer with his left hand to the stomach.

Both were charged under an Australian racing rule dealing with misconduct or improper conduct.

Stewards took into account Laming was the instigator in fining him $2500 while Callow was fined $300 after responding when he had an opportunity not to do so.


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