Trial of changes to Qld apprentices

Sunday 13 May 2018, 1:08pm

Racing Queensland is planning to trial a change to the apprentice allowance system in the state designed to give young riders a better career path.

The changes would include apprentices in the metropolitan area being able to claim 3kg until they ride 20 winners, 2kg until they reach 50 winners (currently 40) and 1.5 kg until the 80-winner mark.

Provincial apprentices will also have 20, 50, 80 limits but that will include any metropolitan or midweek metropolitan winners they ride.

Country apprentices will be able to claim 4kg until five winners and then have the 20, 50, 80 progression.

The move follows some recent examples of country apprentices coming to the city only to struggle because they had already lost their provincial allowance.

Trainers and jockeys associations have been asked to examine a full proposal with an August start date in mind.


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