Kemp hopes he has used up his bad luck

Sunday 13 May 2018, 4:40pm

Toowoomba trainer Kevin Kemp is confident he has used up all his bad luck as he maps out a Group One course for talented filly Plumaro.

Kemp's apprentice Nick Keal suffered a fractured right collar bone riding track work on Thursday morning.

Keal's horse veered to the left and crashed into the plastic fencing throwing him to the turf.

"Nick should be OK in a couple of weeks. It was just bad luck," Kemp said.

Kemp's stable star Mr Marbellouz has undergone treatment for a slight tear in a suspensory ligament and will miss the rest of the winter.

"It was reported he had torn a tendon but it is a slight tear in a suspensory. It still means he will need four to six months rest but he should be back for the summer," Kemp said.

"I know they say bad luck comes in threes but I had pneumonia a few weeks back so that was the third."

Kemp said Plumaro was back in work and heading to the Group Two BRC Sires' Produce Stakes on May 26 and the Group Two Group One J J Atkins at Doomben on June 9.

"The big thing we have to make certain she has enough prize money to take make the fields because QTIS money doesn't count to qualifying," Kemp said.

Plumaro has two wins and to seconds from her four starts.

Her seconds include one behind Mishani Hustler at Doomben in February with the latter second to Zousain in Saturday's Group Two Moet & Chandon Classic at Doomben.


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