VRC strikes new broadcast carnival deal

Monday 14 May 2018, 1:40pm

The Victoria Racing Club has entered into a long-term agreement to broadcast the Melbourne Cup carnival into the UK and Ireland.

Signing a deal with Sky Sports Racing will allow 14 million homes to tap in and watch the VRC's four-day carnival.

The highlight is Melbourne Cup day, with the Cup won last year by Ireland's Joseph O'Brien with Rekindling, while those in the UK and Ireland will also get coverage of Victoria Derby day, VRC Oaks day and Stakes day.

Sky Sports Racing is to become the successor to At The Races which currently broadcasts racing 24 hours a day to over 14 million multi-channel homes across the UK and Ireland through Sky and Virgin Media.

The new deal will give Sky Sports Racing exclusivity among the UK and Ireland broadcasters for the four-day carnival.

VRC chief executive Neil Wilson said the club was looking forward to working with Sky Sports Racing in showcasing the Melbourne Cup and the associated carnival days of racing.

"Positioning the Melbourne Cup and our other world-class races during Cup week alongside Sky's other premium global sporting events will support the increasing global awareness of the Melbourne Cup Carnival," Wilson said.

At The Races chief executive Matthew Imi said the deal would enable the four-day carnival to be conveyed through not just its broadcast channel but also via digital and social media channels.


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