Another Currie stable employee suspended

Tuesday 15 May 2018, 2:33pm

A second worker from trainer Ben Currie's Toowoomba stables has been suspended for three months for giving false evidence to stewards.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission stewards on Tuesday concluded an inquiry into evidence given by Silde Canda to stewards on May 10.

Canda was found guilty of providing false evidence during an investigation contrary to the rules of racing.

The inquiry heard that on May 10 integrity investigation team members interviewed Canda as part of the ongoing investigation into alleged race-day treatment of horses from Currie Racing in the lead-up to the Weetwood Handicap meeting on April 7.

It was alleged during the interview Canda was required to produce his mobile phone but he said it was at home as it was not working due to accidentally being smashed the previous night.

The inquiry heard further enquiries proved the statement to be untrue and the fully operational phone was recovered from Canda's vehicle.

The phone was seized and was being examined.

QRIC Commissioner Ross Barnett said investigations were continuing to determine whether Canda was counselled by another person to be deceptive and uncooperative with stewards.

Barnett said any licensed participant who made a false or misleading statement about any matter under investigation was committing an offence.

Last week another Currie employee, Cameron Schwenke, was found guilty of a race-day treatment offence and disqualified for three months.

Currie's father Mark has pleaded not guilty to alleged offences relating to the Weetwood day investigations and his case will be heard next week.


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