Riviera Sandown win all for Hawkes family

Wednesday 16 May 2018, 2:56pm

The Sandown win of Riviera has been a family affair for Hawkes Racing.

Trained by Michael, Wayne and John Hawkes, Riviera is owned by John's wife Jenny and Michael's wife Clare and carried the colours of Jenny's father Frank Aldenhoven.

"Mum will be over the moon," Wayne Hawkes said.

"These colours are my grandfathers.

"He didn't race many of great note, but he raced them in Adelaide and had a little success and mum wanted to race in the colours at some stage.

"Dad kept putting them in the orange (colours) but Michael put his foot down and said this one is going to race in the pink with the green stripe.

"It's something sentimental that mum wanted."

Hawkes said one of the best horses his grandfather bred was Count Gerolf who ran third in the 1982 Goodwood Handicap while later winning up the straight at Flemington on Melbourne Cup day.

A $50,000 yearling purchase, Hawkes said Riviera was a nice filly they decided to keep and race in the family.

"She's not a superstar, not many of them are, but she's a tough, gutsy little filly," Hawkes said.

"I've done my job. I think I'll send her straight up to Rosehill now and she can be their problem."


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