Harry Angel wins Duke of York Stakes

Thursday 17 May 2018, 9:32am

Star sprinter Harry Angel has made a winning start to his campaign in the Duke of York Stakes ahead of a possible clash with Australian Redkirk Warrior at Royal Ascot.

The Godolphin-owned sprinter has also attracted interest from Sydney businessman Damion Flower who owns a slot in The Everest.

A dual Group One winner last season of the July Cup at Newmarket and the Sprint Cup at Haydock, the Clive Cox-trained Harry Angel was the 4-9 favourite at York for his first start since October.

Ornate took the field along for much of the six furlongs (1200m) before Adam Kirby asked Harry Angel to extend and he pulled two lengths clear of Brando.

Cox said Harry Angel would head straight to next month's Royal meeting for the Diamond Jubilee before any thought of the $13 million Everest in October.

"The Everest would be nice if we had a slot but that is not for me to decide and that is a long way off," Cox said.

"It will be Ascot next and then the July Cup. Lethal Force was second in this before winning at Ascot so hopefully he goes one better.

"People mention he's never won at Ascot but I think they are reading too much into it. I'm not looking to run him over five furlongs. Why change a good thing?"

Harry Angel is now the 5-2 favourite for the Diamond Jubilee ahead of the Lindsay Park-trained Redkirk Warrior at 6-1.


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