Blinkered Albumin in overdue Rosehill win

Saturday 19 May 2018, 3:19pm

A betting plunge on Mahnolo Blahniq at Rosehill has come unstuck with the horse he replaced as favourite in the 1100m sprint scoring a decisive win.

Albumin was shunned by punters on Saturday, drifting from $2.80 to $3.90 with his rival backed from $5.50 to $3.60.

Wearing blinkers to help keep him focused, Albumin raced just behind the leaders and surged to the line 1-1/4 lengths ahead of Ebenos ($5.50) with Manolo Blahniq another 1-3/4 lengths away third in the John Size Hall of Fame Handicap.

The winner's trainer Gerald Ryan said there were no firm plans for Albumin who claimed his first win since August last year.

Since then he has raced in several stakes races with his best performance third in the Heritage Stakes in September behind Viridine and Single Bullet.

"I've always had an opinion of him and in fairness this is the easiest race he has been in for a while," Ryan said.

"But we've got no firm plans. We just wanted to see him win again.

"I've always thought he might get 1400 metres but his record says he is an 1100 metre-horse so I got that wrong.

"We also need to be mindful of the weather.

"He's too stiff-legged to run on wet tracks so how far he goes into the winter would depend on that."


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