Morendi to step up in Gr 3 Premier's Cup

Friday 25 May 2018, 10:13am

Jockey Michael Cahill hopes stayer Morendi can continue to improve enough to make an impact in Group Three company on Saturday.

Morendi has won 11 races and Cahill has been his jockey in five of his six most recent victories.

Cahill rode Morendi when he won the Toowoomba Cup (2000m) and he will again be the jockey in the Premier's Cup (2200m) at Doomben.

Morendi was 10th in the Members' Handicap over an unsuitable 1600m at his only run since the Toowoomba Cup.

"He is much better at 2200 metres and he has won three of his five goes at the track and distance," Cahill said.

Morendi failed several times in stakes company last winter but Cahill believes he is now a better horse.

"He just keeps improving. His Towoomba Cup win was good and I hope he improves again," Cahill said.

The veteran jockey is having another good season, having ridden 74 1/2 winners.

The Premier's Cup will be a good guide to Morendi's progress as it is a capacity field with some above-average southern and New Zealand stayers.

If Morendi races well on Saturday he is likely to chase races such as the Brisbane Cup on June 9.


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