Ben Currie stay application delayed

Tuesday 29 May 2018, 5:49pm

A stay application by Queensland trainer Ben Currie against a suspension of his licence pending the hearing of racing rules charges against him has been delayed.

At a stewards hearing on Monday, Currie was charged with 31 breaches of racing rules dating back two years and suspended pending completion of the inquiry.

Currie's lawyers filed paperwork at the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal on Tuesday morning seeking a stay to allow Curry to continue training until the charges are resolved.

There was no QCAT member available to hear the application which was then listed for 9.30am on Wednesday.

The charges against Currie include illegal race day treatment, improper practice, and using shockwave therapy within seven clear days of competition.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission boss Ross Barnett said because of the serious nature of the charges stewards had ordered that any nomination or acceptance under Currie's name would be rejected until the Inquiry concluded.

Four people have already been disqualified or suspended as a result of an inquiry opened by QRIC stewards after allegations were made by integrity officers about activities at Currie's stables on April 7.

Currie's father and foreman Mark Currie has been disqualified for two years on 16 charges arising out of the inquiry into the April 7 activities and allegations about other horses on March 24.

Mark Currie's application for a stay pending his appeal will also be heard on Wednesday.

Stable employees Greg Britnell (18 months disqualification), Cameron Schwenke (three months disqualification), and Silde Canda (three months suspension) have all been outed as a result of the inquiry.


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