Wet track to help NZ mare in Moreton Cup

Wednesday 30 May 2018, 10:14am

A likely soft track rating is expected to help former New Zealand mare Aide Memoire return to her best in the Group Two Moreton Cup at the Sunshine Coast.

The Sunshine Coast is one of the few places in southeast Queensland to have had significant rain in the past two months.

It was rated in the heavy range on Wednesday and is likely to be soft at best on Saturday.

Aide Memoire has failed to run a place in four starts since joining the Kris Lees stable at Newcastle.

The six-year-old mare is a noted wet-track horse having won six races on soft or heavy going with a further nine minor placings in wet going.

She won the 2016 Group One Captain Cook Stales at Trentham on a bog track.

Lees said he was looking for a wet track so the mare could show her best on Saturday.

"It was an unusually dry autumn in Sydney. She was disadvantaged because she does need a wet track and hopefully we get that on Saturday," Lees said.


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