Preusker takes to the road for the Valley

Wednesday 30 May 2018, 1:35pm

Country trainer Paul Preusker hopes he won't be taking back luck with him when he accompanies his three runners to Moonee Valley.

Preusker has been time poor in recent months but has turned out 13 winners from his past 50 starters.

Unfortunately he missed his first city double at Caulfield on April 14 when saddling another runner at Ararat that day.

"For me to go to Melbourne it's such a big day so when you can send good men down and do the job, it takes some pressure off," Preusker said.

"I'll make the trip down on Saturday and hopefully I won't jinx it as I haven't been going lately and it's going better without me."

Preusker makes the three-hour trip from Horsham to Moonee Valley on Saturday to saddle I Am Someone in the Bernadette Turner Handicap, Arties Dreamwinner in the Ladbrokes Back Yourself Handicap and Magic Consol in the Kate O'Sullivan Mile.

Magic Consol won at the corresponding meeting last year and was part of Preusker's double at Caulfield.

Following his Caulfield success, Magic Consol finished fourth at Flemington on May 5.

"He's been a ripping old horse for me and he was a bit stiff last start," Preusker said.

"I would have preferred to have drawn out a bit and ride him a bit patient but I think we'll have a go at this and then pop up into the Swan Hill Cup."

I Am Someone attempts to extend his winning streak to three following victories on his home track on May 5 and Morphettville a week later.

Preusker said Saturday's race has depth but is keen to see where the three-year-old sits in the pecking order.

"He's a lovely tough horse with a bit of ability and looks a good package at the moment," Preusker said.

"I think he goes pretty well and I'm pretty keen to get Saturday behind me and see where we're at."

Preusker landed a first-up Geelong win with Arties Dreamwinner after taking over the training from Dan O'Sullivan.

"The query is coming back on top of the ground but she's a nice mare and I'm the lucky one to be training her," Preusker said.


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