Queensland trainers want all money raised through a new point of consumption tax to be returned to the racing industry rather than just a share.
The state government is expected to announce the basis on which the tax will be implemented in the budget on Tuesday week.
A point of consumption tax is on money gambled in the state where the bet is placed.
South Australia has introduced the tax at 15 per cent while Victoria has an eight per cent levy.
NSW and West Australia are also considering the tax and expected to make decisions soon.
The Queensland branch of the Australian Trainers Association has written to racing minister Stirling Hinchliffe urging him to support the distribution of all money raised by the tax to the Queensland racing industry.
The letter, written on behalf of the trainers by QATA secretary Cameron Partington, asks for all revenue to be directed at racing.
"For too long Queensland racing has been disadvantaged, especially in comparison with our southern counterparts, through lack of funds coming back to us from the product we offer," he wrote.
"Racing Queensland would be able to utilise the additional funds to return to participants who have been in desperate need for many years trying to compete with the alternative of racing horses in the south."
Partington said the industry desperately needed an injection of funding to not only assist trainers but also to give the industry a confidence boost.