Race lopped from Stradbroke Day meeting

Sunday 3 June 2018, 5:54pm

The Stradbroke Handicap program at Doomben will be cut from nine to eight races to protect the track.

Doomben has taken a heavy workload in recent times but will have had two weeks rest since its May 26 meeting which was delayed midway through the afternoon to move the rail.

Brisbane Racing Club racing manager Matt Rudolph said with the prospect of showers late in the week the club had requested program changes to ensure Doomben was in the best shape possible for Saturday as well as the June 23 Tatt's Tiara meeting.

The BRC has asked Racing Queensland to transfer the midweek meeting on June 13 and one race, the $125,000 Listed Daybreak Lover for three-year-olds, from Doomben on Saturday.

The Daybreak Lover will go to the Sunshine Coast a day later.

The Stradbroke Day will feature eight races including three Group One events and three at Group Two level.

Rudolph said transferring the Daybreak Lover would mean a later start at Doomben, a surface benefit that was proven with the later start to Saturday's Moreton Cup meeting at Caloundra.

"The weather bureau has forecast the chance of showers in the lead-up to Stradbroke Day and, with the prospect of another heavy dew and soft going, the scheduled starting time was unsuitable," he said.


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