Rain to help Miss Sara in Atkins

Monday 4 June 2018, 12:59pm

Eagle Farm trainer Les Ross is hoping predicted rain arrives in Brisbane this week as he has elected to back Miss Sara up in the Group One J J Atkins (1600m).

About 12mm is forecast late this week and the Brisbane Racing Club has moved one race, the Daybreak Lover Stakes, to Sunday in an effort to protect the Doomben track for three Group One races on Saturday.

Miss Sara ran fourth behind possible J J Atkins rival Commander in the Listed Phoenix Stakes (1600m) at Caloundra on Saturday.

The fourth prize ensured she was safely in the field for Queensland's premier two-year-old race.

The filly shifted a plate in the saddling enclosure and a nail had to be inserted by the farrier.

"It mean she was late onto the track late and that got her stirred up a bit. She went a bit hard in the middle stages and then got caught in the wrong part of the track," Ross said.

"On that run we only have to find a 1-1/2 lengths to be in the finish on Saturday."

Miss Sara who cost the trainer $12,000 as a yearling.

"I own a share in her and after I got her ready to race I said to the other owners that I would be very surprised if I didn't earn over $100,000 with her," Ross said.

"Well we have done that as she has earned $146,000 already and with a bit if luck it would be much more.

"Give us a bit of rain on Saturday and we will give them something to think about."

Miss Sara has had 11 starts this season but has shown no signs she is nearing the end of her campaign.

"She is tough and I know she can run the 1600 metres strongly which is more than you can say for a few others," Ross added.


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