Matthew Leek disqualified for 12 months

Monday 4 June 2018, 6:46pm

Trainer Matthew Leek has been disqualified for 12 months after being found guilty of attempted race day administration to two horses and also destroying potential evidence.

The Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board found the trainer guilty of two charges issued by Racing Victoria stewards, and at a penalty hearing on Monday issued a six-month disqualification for each.

The board ruled the penalties be served cumulatively.

The particulars of the first charge were that during a race day stable inspection on August 8 last year, stewards alleged Leek was in possession of a 30ml syringe containing a substance, an uncapped needle and one 100ml bottle each of L-Carnitine and Mitachondral which he intended to administer to two horses, or at least one, due to race later that day.

Stewards also alleged Leek deliberately disposed of liquid in a syringe which they said had the effect of destroying relevant evidence and the RAD Board found the trainer guilty of improper conduct.

Another charge in relation to keeping treatment records was dismissed.

The panel said Leek's actions to dispose of the liquid deserved the strongest condemnation.

"Your particular offence involves a blatant and brazen attempt to tamper with, conceal or destroy evidence whilst what was at least a preliminary inquiry was taking place," the RAD Board judgment said.

"It deserves the strongest condemnation.

"A clear message must be sent, and the public would expect nothing less.


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