Matt Dunn concentrates on positives

Thursday 7 June 2018, 11:46am

Trainer Matt Dunn would rather concentrate on the positives after Care To Think again drew poorly in the Group One Stradbroke Handicap at Doomben.

Care To Think has been racing well but has been hampered by poor barriers.

For the seventh time in his past eight starts Care To Think drew a double digit barrier when Dunn's wife Keira picked up barrier 16 for Saturday's Stradbroke (1350m).

If the five emergencies fail to get a run he will start from barrier 12.

Dunn points to last year's Stradbroke winner Impending who came from the outside barrier to win.

He hopes the wide gate can even work in Care To Think's favour as he believes the main danger to the horse is his immaturity.

"Next year he will have learned how to settle better in his races. Care To Think is physically mature, but mentally he is just not there yet," Dunn said.

"He has just got to learn that he needs to conserve energy, but as soon as he sees daylight at the moment he wants to go."

Dunn hopes Care To Think can stick to his usual pattern and get back but follow another runner into the race.

"It is also a bonus being back at a handicap after his recent runs at weight-for-age," he said.

Care To Think has won six of his 14 starts and finished second in four others and was a $9 chance after the draw.

Tim Clark will replace James McDonald who is unable to ride the four-year-old at 52.5kg.


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