Doomben track still in heavy range

Friday 8 June 2018, 9:45am

Stewards have left the track rating in the heavy range for Doomben in the lead up to the Group One Stradbroke Handicap.

Chief steward Allan Reardon and track manager Jim Roberts walked Doomben on Friday afternoon.

Reardon said the track was rain-affected and had not improved much from a morning inspection.

"We have left it as a heavy eight rating. We really haven't had drying conditions," he said.

"We will just have to hope it doesn't rain overnight and we get drying conditions tomorrow."

The track received 20mm of rain for the week meaning Saturday's meeting is sure to be on a rain-affected surface.

Roberts said the track had 14mm in the 24 hours to Friday morning on top of the rain earlier in the week.

He said he had no choice but to put the track rating in the heavy range.

"I walked the track on Thursday afternoon and I was confident we would improve by Friday morning but we got more rain overnight," Roberts said.

"The staff have put a lot of work into the track and it has come back well in the two weeks since Kingsford Smith day."

"As always the weather will play a major role but I would hope with fine conditions and a breeze it will improve on Saturday."

An overcast day with a small possibility of rain is predicted for Brisbane on Saturday.


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