Ben Currie inquiry could be delayed

Sunday 10 June 2018, 11:43am

A stewards' inquiry involving Toowoomba trainer Ben Currie could be delayed because his lawyers have not received particulars of the 31 charges against him.

Stewards opened an inquiry into alleged activities at Currie's stables on April 7, the morning of the Weetwood Handicap at Toowoomba.

At a reconvened inquiry late last month Currie was charged with 31 offences dating back two years.

He has pleaded not guilty but the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission ruled Currie's nominations would not be accepted until after the inquiry was completed.

Currie went to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal and was granted a stay pending an internal review of the decision to refuse his nominations.

At that hearing it was revealed the full hearing was set to resume on June 18 with QRIC to provide particulars of the charges last Monday.

No particulars were delivered last week meaning Currie's lawyers could apply for a deferment of the hearing until they can examine them.

Currie's lawyer Jim Murdoch QC confirmed no particulars had been delivered to Currie's legal team but said he could comment no further.

QRIC Commissioner Ross Barnett said the matter of particulars was a private matter between QRIC and Currie's lawyers and would make no further comment.


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