Amazing Red in Newmarket win

Sunday 10 June 2018, 3:13pm

Red Cadeaux's younger brother Amazing Red has set himself up to contest the Northumberland Plate with a dominant win in the John Sunley Memorial Handicap at Newmarket.

After suffering trouble in running last time out, Frankie Dettori's mount put matters right in the one-mile-six-furlong (2800m) contest to claim the second win of his campaign by 3-1/2 lengths.

"There was an argument to say he was an unlucky loser last time, so it is great it has gone well today and that he has won a decent race," trainer Ed Dunlop said.

"He is Red Cadeaux's half-brother and is an improving horse. Frankie said I could have won on him! I am thrilled for Ronnie (Arculli, owner) that he has got something on the up.

"He is probably going to go up to 100 (rating). He is a lightly raced horse and he does stay well.

"He is in the Northumberland Plate and we will see about that."

Dunlop brought Red Cadeaux to Melbourne for five Melbourne Cups and the Queen Elizabeth Stakes in Sydney.

He was runner-up in the Cup three times and was again second in the 2015 Queen Elizabeth won by Criterion.

Later that year, he suffered a catastrophic leg injury in the Cup and a few weeks later had to be euthanised.


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