Damien Thornton gets 100th win for season

Sunday 10 June 2018, 3:48pm

A win at Swan Hill has brought up a century of winners for the season for jockey Damien Thornton.

It's the first time the 22-year-old has reached 100 with his previous best season total 68 in 2016/17.

Thornton brought up his 99th win at Swan Hill on Friday and had been hoping to reach the milestone at Flemington on Saturday but he went winless from seven rides.

He reached 100 with victory aboard Asset Rich in a 975m-benchmark-64 handicap on the undercard to Sunday's Swan Hill Cup.

"That's the ton, so it's a really good result," Thornton told broadcaster Racing.com

"I was sort of hoping to get it yesterday but I was rapt to finally get there.

"It's a great achievement and that's probably not something I expected at the start of the season, to be able get this far, and we've still got a month and a half to go."

Thornton spent 14 months based in South Australia with the Tony McEvoy stable before deciding to return home to Victoria early this season.

His 100 wins includes 89 in Victoria.


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