Zac Purton takes lead in HK premiership

Monday 11 June 2018, 9:53am

Zac Purton has taken a one-win lead over Joao Moreira in the battle for the Hong Kong jockeys' premiership with a double at Sha Tin.

The ex-pat Australian ended Douglas Whyte's reign as champion jockey in 2013/14 but has since finished second to Moreira each season.

Moreira, who has announced his intention to move to Japan, returns from suspension at Happy Valley on Wednesday with nine meetings left this season.

"Obviously, it's a better position when you are in front, so that's great," Purton told the HK Jockey Club.

"Sometimes, people can expect a little bit too much. I was doing the sums in the room and, if you ride two winners a meeting through 88 meetings, it's 176 winners a year. You are breaking records if you do that every meeting.

"Riding four or five winners at every meeting just doesn't happen.

"I think it's going to be a good battle from here."


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