Chadwick new Queensland chief stipe

Monday 11 June 2018, 12:58pm

Singapore Turf Club chief steward Peter Chadwick has been named as the new leader of Queensland's stewards panel.

Chadwick will be replaced in Singapore by Racing Victoria's chief steward Terry Bailey who will take up the position in July.

It had been widely tipped Chadwick would take the Queensland role and on Monday, shortly after the announcement regarding Bailey, the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission confirmed he would be its new chief stipendiary thoroughbred steward.

Chadwick is expected to take over from the retiring Allan Reardon on August 1, the start of the new racing season.

Reardon who has been head steward in Queensland for a decade first with Racing Queensland and then QRIC also applied for the job after getting an extension for the current season.

QRIC Commissioner Ross Barnett said in a statement Chadwick had worked as a steward for 18 years in Singapore and been chief steward for 13 of those..

"He has a mix of International and Australian thoroughbred adjudicating experience," Barnett said.

Chadwick began his 28 years as a steward with a cadetship in Western Australia before holding roles in NSW, Tasmania, the ACT and then back to WA as a senior steward.

"We are fortunate to have attracted to Queensland a chief steward with a breadth of knowledge of the world of racing and his international experience is a bonus," Barnett said.

"We received applicants from all over the world and as a result of a competitive open merit selection process Mr Chadwick was selected for this important role."

Barnett said while QRIC welcomed a new chief steward, it was the end of an era in Queensland as Allan Reardon stepped down.

"Allan has worked with, mentored and gained the respect of staff and racing industry participants Australia wide during his more than 41 years in racing," he said.


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