Maher hasn't ruled out Jameka return

Wednesday 13 June 2018, 5:47pm

Multiple Group One winner Jameka's racing days might not be over, with the mare still in light work at Caulfield.

The 2016 Caulfield Cup winner has not raced since winning the Group One BMW (2400m) at Rosehill in March 2017, after which a bout of travel sickness ended plans to race her abroad later in the year.

One of her owners, Col McKenna, last month paid $2.6 million for Jameka at the National Broodmare Sale on the Gold Coast to buy out the other partners.

Trainer Ciaron Maher said Jameka had returned to his Caulfield stable after the sale.

"She sort of had a prep leading into the sale and she went to the sale because I thought her racing days were done," he said.

"But just that prep sort of brought her on and after the sale she remained in work, just trotting and cantering in Queensland.

"When she came back down I thought she had really come on from her time up there.

"So there's a bit of time between now and the breeding season when they go to stud, so I thought we'd just put her into work and she'll most likely go to a stallion but if she's going really well, it gives the owners an option."

Maher said he had not ruled out Jameka racing on.

"Not completely, no," he said.

"(That decision) would be made by how she does.

"She's in training now. If she keeps pleasing me, she'll hopefully get to the races.

"But only if she's showing me that she's back to her best or close to it, would we entertain that.

"The next six weeks I'll have a fairly good handle on where she's at.

"She seems in good order."


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